
adventures of a random geek


At last years Datenspuren I gave a talk about super resolution using neural nets titled “Do we have an image enhancer that can bit map?”. The talk was recorded and the slides and example net are on github.

This year I decided to give a talk I wanted to give for some years now but never really got to it. Around 2015 I learned about the ESA Copernicus Program and the Sentinel satellites. I was surprised that the data and the tools to process it were freely available and open source, but also realized that not many people knew about it.

I tried to change this (a little bit) with this years talk “Freie Daten(spuren) aus dem All”

Abstract (de)

Dieser Vortrag gibt einen kleinen Überblick über das ESA Copernicus Programm, einem umfangreichen Erdbeobachtungsprogramm. An Beispielen werden die einzelnen Sensoren und Instrumente der Sentinel Satelliten erklärt. Eine abschließende Demo zeigt, wie jeder die frei zugänglichen Daten in eindrucksvolle Bilder unseres Planeten verwandeln kann.

published: 2017-11-03 Fri 00:00 updated: 2022-05-11 Wed 10:20 wose CC-0